From the Disaster Zone- Change is Inevitable

From the Disaster Zone- Change is Inevitable November 6, 2012

Since my last update our team has been reassigned. We are currently assigned to organizational, logistical and planning support for the entire Community Relations FEMA organization for the whole city of New York.
Community Relations is engaged in assessing damage, interviewing victims to determine needs and reporting this information through the chain of command to assist FEMA in determining priorities, start the financial relief process for victims and supporting the other FEMA functions. We currently have nearly one thousand individuals canvassing the entire city of 10 million. We expect to have nearly two thousand individuals by the time we are fully staffed.
My new title is Community Relations Logistics Chief. Obviously, this is a very complicated task in a city of this size suffering from major infrastructure damage.
On a side note I have had a few conversations with other disaster responders who have heard the reports of the community organizing Occupy Sandy is doing. As a group individuals are stunned by the achievements of the effort. On this most political of days, individuals across the nation are having their eyes opened to our shared humanity. Conservatives, Liberals, Occupiers and individuals of many other political and religious communities are working together to achieve monumental tasks. This makes me proud to be part of a number of these communities: indeed proud of my countrymen and women.
Blessings from the disaster zone!

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