Breaking my Promise, the Threat of Pagan Dominionists

Breaking my Promise, the Threat of Pagan Dominionists June 9, 2013

Just a few short weeks ago I posted that I would not write about the brewing debate around Pop Culture Paganism Vs. Polytheism.  While I intend do keep the promise of not taking sides in the value of these theological approaches, I am alarmed at the tone and absolutism featured in the discourse.
As the discussion has progressed, individuals have begun to attempt to declassify those with opposing views as the “other” or not Pagan at all.  Less than a year ago the Internet was abuzz with devout polytheists proclaiming that they are “no longer Pagan”.  Today out of this same group come cries to disavow those who have opposing views and proclaim what a real Pagan is.
Let me express my opinion plainly. What is not Pagan is framing someone else’s approach to divinity as not acceptable under the Pagan umbrella. It is the diversity of our paths that is the strength of our community. Those who wish to diagram Paganism as only existing within their own theological context clearly are promoting a dominionist theological stance.
These events are alarming, add to this narrow and divisive view of Paganism a dose of the name calling that has occurred on both sides of the debate and we have a volatile mixture that could cause a schism within our broader community.
I value my hard Polytheist friends, my Pop Culture friends, my Humanist Pagan friends and all paths that seek a connection to the divine. To put forth my own beliefs as superior to others would grate at the very foundation of what I believe Paganism to be.
Let me propose that it is time for all to withdraw from this debate, seek within the ability to honor others beliefs with out seeing them as opposed to our individual paths. There are dozens of example of Pagans engaged in positive efforts across the country, lets join in making progress rather than distructive debates that tear asunder the very fabric of diversity that is our beloved community.

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