Politics, Voter Shaming, Corporate Control and The Big Lie

Politics, Voter Shaming, Corporate Control and The Big Lie November 4, 2014

So I voted in the mid-term elections, reluctantly. As a witness to the wide spread corruption in our political system I took no great pleasure in casting most of my votes for candidates who will surly sell my values down the river after the polls close.
For years, we have been deceived by one party or the other. Each bought and paid for by the big monies that flood the halls of power across our nation.
I am tired
Tired of both political parties being disingenuous about their positions on issues.
Tired of Republicans who wish to court women voters while working to roll back rights fought for by generations of women.
Tired of an administration that calls revelations about government spying on the populace a serious issue while at the same time calling for the arrest of the individual who disclosed the abuses.
Tired of a President, who I generally support,  who refuses to make clear his position on running a disastrous pipeline through the heart of our nation until after the elections.  Bought and paid for, the decision is obvious.
Tired of candidates painting them selves as inclusive as they seek to restrict the voting rights of minorities.
Tired of climate change deniers (modern flat earth believers) using distorted religious views to push the agenda of their corporate masters who refuse to act in the interest of humanity.
Tired of the silence of so-called liberal candidates who own stock in multinational corporations who seek to establish dominance over our food supply with GMO products.
And then there is THE BIG LIE
Tired of the dialectic of being required to vote for one of the big parties in order to not  “waist a vote”.  This lie, the idea that there are only two, opposite and opposing choices, is sophomoric in the extreme.  In mental Health settings, such thinking is considered a bell weather of a lack of emotional intelligence; yet we march forward, supporting those who will continue the gridlock across our nation because the big money corporations have funded our choices in a manor that the only real winners in the elections are corporations.
Our country is desperately in need of individuals who will vote their values, un- impeded by two party rhetoric that only serves corporate masters.  My prayer is that next time around the gridlock will be broken by individuals willing to vote for Greens, Libertarians or any other parties that emerge seeking to take ethical stances not influenced by corporate self interest.
Tonight I will watch the election results knowing that it will be the $$$$ that win,.
 Yes I voted, a once proud tradition now subverted by greed!

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