Over the past few weeks I have witnessed the demonization of Covenant of the Goddess as a result of the epic fail of the National Board’s response the the #BlackLivesMatter movement.  The discourse has degenerated into the use of a broad brush painting the organization as racist, I am saddened and disgusted that our community seems unable to hold accountable those who failed in their leadership rolls while painting the many great members of CoG with the same broad brush.
Let me be clear, I am a huge supporter of many of the Local Councils of CoG. Over the years,  I have developed a deep respect for the work the Local Councils and their members do.  The idea that they are responsible for the insensitive and hurtful statements of the National Board is unreasonable and toxic to our community.
Admittedly, the National Boards actions in engaging in censorship and attacking their critics contributed to this problem.  When they chose to paint the criticisms as an attack on the entire covenant many bought their position and framed the issue as having to do with the entire membership.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  I urge the community to examine their response to this situation and continue to support the work of the local councils; their efforts in interfaith, feeding the hungry and fighting for social justice deserve our respect, not a broad brush stroke coating them with the stain of the actions of others.
The very idea that half a dozen members of the National Board of this revered organization could be so clueless as to the state of social justice in our nation that they could make such a statement is alarming.  The National First Officer and the Public Information Officer are the voices of the national board, they failed, they are responsible and they should resign.  Lets hold those accountable as having a responsibility to take the consequences for there actions.
I would like to believe that Pagans have the insight to see the nuances of this situation.  The craft is about personal responsibility, not burning entire organizations at the stake due to the actions of the few.
As a national solitary,  I recently let my membership in CoG expire, the National Board is responsible for representing me as a member of CoG and I did not feel their actions reflected my values.  Had I been a member of a Local Council, where all the great work of the covenant takes place,  I would have remained a member of  CoG.
For years many respected Elders of CoG have explained to me that they do not become involved in national CoG due to the political infighting and back room deals that take place. I myself, over the past four years adhered to this ethic, it was my personal moral failing that I did so.  If I am a member of an organization I have a responsibility to attempt to change things, I did not and I regret it, as I am sure other Elders in the community do also.
Here is wishing that collectively the great group of Local Councils of CoG have the courage to retake the leadership of this storied Pagan organization, I wish them luck in their endeavor.
#Black Lives Matter

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