Vicarious Trauma, Pagan Responders and the Nepal Disaster

Vicarious Trauma, Pagan Responders and the Nepal Disaster April 27, 2015


“Vicarious trauma (VT) is a transformation in the self of a trauma worker or helper that results from empathicengagement with traumatizedclients and their traumatic experiences. Its hallmark is disrupted spirituality, or a disruption in the trauma workers’ perceived meaning and hope.”

Over the past few days a small group of Pagan responders and other colleagues have been experiencing some dramatic reactions to the situation in Nepal. These reactions are directly tied to their experiences in disaster zones in the past. Simply stated we collectively share a level of empathy with the victims of this current disaster that transcends anything others are able to manifest.

Expressions on social media from those without these insights may rub us in the wrong way as we seek to help shape the communities response to this disaster. We know well the logistical, political and resourcing challenges that the disaster victims face. Our collective insights are based on having seen on the ground what works and what does not.  Pagan responders are not immune to hyper empathetic responses to events like these. Our insights can be very valuable at times like these, yet please understand that we have unique experiences that leave us with little tolerance for expressions that avoid direct support for the victims of this disaster.

Frankly, while as Pagans we value spiritual expressions that call for prayer, we also well know that what will make a difference is manifesting payers for the response, not prayers. With past direct exposure to the kind of suffering now taking place our hearts are broken by our inability to be there and bring our skill sets to the table. Perhaps one day our community will mature in such a way that we have a direct disaster response infrastructure. For now our collective hearts ache to take direct action.

Many have come forward asking about where to donate. While I have chosen to give money to a few organizations I have worked with in the past let me share some principles in giving.

1.  Small NGO’s who were already on the ground prior to the disaster have established infrastructure enabling them to respond without having to establish complex logistical operations.

2. Very large NGO’s generally have long response times due to their size. If you want to help now, giving to smaller organizations can insure your donation has a direct impact now.

3. Small villages away from the capital where there are few photo opportunities are in dramatic need of help. These communities do not provide NGO’s with the ability to stir emotions among their supporters and as a result are most in need of help. Seek out those intending to provide responses to these communities.

Most of all, please understand as past Pagan disaster responders focus their attention on this issue; collectively our experiences lead us to be frustrated with social media, pictures of puppies and “which Rocky Horror Character are you” posts while we are seeking to focus the worlds attention on the suffering we know is happening. 

Our collective open hearts bleed for Nepal, we are unable to remove our thoughts from the disaster. If you have the desire to help, please give where you can, repost calls for action, help manifest a sustainable response that will save lives.  

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