The Divine Circle, Being Touched by Divinity

The Divine Circle, Being Touched by Divinity June 7, 2015

I sit, observe and am overwhelmed by the sense that here in this moment my entire life is whole.  Conversations are animated, mutual respect and love are palpable and I am filled with an overwhelming joy.  My innermost heart is awash with a wellspring of satisfaction.  In this circle I am whole in a way I have never experienced before.
So some may ask where does someone experience such complete joy and self-actualization; among a group of accomplished elders maybe or possibly in service to humanity?   Well no, over this past weekend I have essentially returned to my first circle.  I have had the pleasure of witnessing generations of my family interact and learn about each other.
More than five decades ago I was born into this circle, the years have seen my core family unit spread across the nation. This weekend we gathered in Saint Louis and 26 of us re connected.  In the faces of small children I could see the legacy of my parents.  My sense that this is one of the seminal events of my life is strong.
There is no stronger or more spiritual circle then this one.  With 11 children attending it has been hectic, yet with each hug I am grounded, reminded that the circle of life from which we all spring is the very basis of my beliefs.  My personal experience is nearly ecstatic, compassion, love and insight flow like the waters of a great river ever seeking its destination and I am blessed.
This weekend my practice has been to return to the circle of my emergence, reflect on the sacred circle of life and wallow in my first community.  Surrounded by others who have vastly different beliefs than mine I am blessed by our collective diversity and remained that the wheel turns and ever replenishes its self.
In my family’s faces I see the grand dance of creation and am honored by their presence in my life.  Filled with love I am blessed an unable to find the words to fully express my emotions. 

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