Solterrestriale Vocabulum / Solar-Earth Terms (Previously Known as Ehoah Phrases) Now Public Domain

Solterrestriale Vocabulum / Solar-Earth Terms (Previously Known as Ehoah Phrases) Now Public Domain March 26, 2015

You may recall a post I did recently on ‘The Story Behind The Ehoah Phrases‘. Well that story now has a new chapter. The phrases are now renamed ‘Solterrestriale Vocabulum’ / ‘Solar-Earth Terms’ with a new look and released into Public Domain, being placed in Wiki Commons and given this icon and description:

To the extent possible under law, Rua Lupa has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Solterrestriale Vocabulum (Solar-Earth Terms). This work is published from: Canada.

And there you have it to use at your pleasure. Have fun playing around with the terms and finding what fits best for you in your understanding of the solar-earth markers.


Solterrestriale Vocabulum (Solar-Earth Terms) Brief



Solterrestriale Vocabulum (Solar-Earth Terms)

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