Why I Love Halloween

Why I Love Halloween October 29, 2009

I love Halloween. I always have.

When I was a child, I loved Halloween for the same reasons as children everywhere. The fun of dressing up and, of course, the free candy. The adventure of going to so many houses and being out after dark. The delightful thrill of pretending to be scared of the spooky decorations and spooky costumes. My parents were less openly enthusiastic, but I know my mother’s creative side enjoyed coming up with new ways to use our costume pieces each year, and my father drove us (we were country kids) from house to house without complaint.

Now that I’m a parent myself, I have found some new reasons to love this autumn occasion. Here are my top 5 reasons to love Halloween for grown-ups:

1) No housecleaning. I love thanksgiving and Christmas as much as anyone, but honestly, isn’t it stressful trying to get the house into holiday condition? Halloween doesn’t require inside hospitality, and it’s not one of those holidays that calls for photo-perfect indoor backgrounds. Instead, throw a couple pumpkins on the porch and a paper ghost on your door and you’re good to go! Is any other holiday so easy on the keeper of the home?

2) No cooking. Yes, I know the Martha Stewart types violate this and #1 by hosting halloween parties with themed dishes and decorations. What can I say? I’m no Martha Stewart. And fortunately, no one expects me to be. A variety pack of mini chocolate bars in a bowl, and your duty to the costumed masses is satisfied.

3) The creative outlet. I really enjoy planning my kid’s costumes, even when they are nothing more elaborate than a letter pinned on a shirt and a blanket/cape around the shoulders. I keep face paint in the house year round as a fun thing to play with on rainy or dull days. Halloween takes that fun and expands upon it as little or as much as you like and have energy for.

4) Meet the neighbors – pressure free. Halloween is like speed dating for neighborhood adults. Greeting each other while the kids root through the candy bowl looking for the best treats allows just enough time to be friendly and catch up a bit, but not enough time to make any embarrassing social blunders.

5) The chocolate. C’mon, admit it. Deep inside, the kid in me still finds it magical that so many people just give candy away! For free! To strangers who come to their door. It’s wonderful to be on the giving side too. Giving and getting something for nothing can make everyone involved feel good about the world and their place in it.

So tell me…do you love Halloween?

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