CST in 140 Characters or Less: Fulton Sheen on Capitalism

CST in 140 Characters or Less: Fulton Sheen on Capitalism January 2, 2016

Photo credit: villanovalawlibrary via Foter.com / CC BY-SA
Photo credit: villanovalawlibrary via Foter.com / CC BY-SA

“Capitalism is indifferent to religion: it wants no church, no Bible,
no moral law telling a man what he ought to do with his wealth.”*

+Fulton J. Sheen, 1951, 132 characters [Tweet this]

Until next time,

Keith Michael Estrada

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*CST in 140 Characters or Less is an attempt to provide short pieces from within our Catholic tradition to an audience subject to the tendencies of consumerism and immediate gratification. When possible, and please remind me if I forget, I will include a fuller portion of the quote above for additional context, and may add a line or two of comment. Certainly, we can learn much from short statements, but we must see things from within the whole of our faith tradition. This reminds me of what Henri de Lubac wrote in The Discovery of God, concerning Saint Augustine’s dilige et quod vis fac, that this exhortation is proper and may be embraced without error “if you love enough to act, in every circumstance, according to the dictates of love.” De Lubac continues, “One might also say ‘love and believe what you will’ – if you know how to extract all the light from love, whose source is not in you.” Therefore, start with and share small pieces, but learn the whole.

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