November 16, 2015

This world is beautiful. This life is glorious. It is made of summer sunlight on clear water, and the smell of fresh-cut grass and freshly-poured mead. And it is made of the turf that grows over the grave, and the tears that are shed onto it. Read more

November 10, 2015

October takes the breath away. But November is the world taking back that breath, taking a rest. November is the world made plain. Read more

October 22, 2015

I worship the god of the hunt, the horned one who dies and is reborn, he who takes life to feed the people, and also is the life that's taken. His story is a Samhain story: generosity and ruthlessness, and humility and strength, and lust. Life, right in the face of death. Read more

October 7, 2015

I've been working on my Crone's Wings, and I'm here to tell you: menopause is a nuisance. But it's worth it, because I know that this misery is what has given the human race its weirdly long lifespan. Read more

September 30, 2015

Yes, Black Lives > White Tears. But it's hard to learn when you're in tears, and white allies in the racial justice movement especially have more business calling one another in than calling one another out. Read more

September 28, 2015

I am bothered by the idea that racism is a social ill that's somehow outside of the legitimate concerns of Pagans--of white Pagans, anyway. We don't get to be a religion of immanent spirit without caring very much about what happens in the world. Read more

September 22, 2015

I've never seen a point in piecing together a purely intellectual theology for an experience as visceral, as immediate, as spiritual communion. I've never found a set of names that didn't invite more argument than it settled, didn't diminish more than it expressed what I encounter in worship. Read more

August 24, 2015

I am tired, and I hear the shrill music of crickets and cicadas, singing their death song to summer. They, too, feel the urgency: hurry up and shape the future! Hurry up and store what life you can, before winter kills the rest. Read more

July 28, 2015

I love this little patch of ground we live on. And tending its soil and eating its produce feeds something in me, in us, beyond our bellies alone. Read more

July 22, 2015

Effortlessness is one of the shapes spiritual practice has. But without the luxury of time, routines are important to sustain a practice over decades. There's a dynamic tension here, between discipline and flow, and both experiences have their place. Read more

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