To My Daughter on Her Confirmation Day

To My Daughter on Her Confirmation Day May 5, 2012

Fifteen years ago, your father and I took you to church for your Baptism.  As we stood before God and our family we gave you a delicate and  feminine name which seemed to sum up the tiny pink bundle you were.  That long ago day, we swore to raise you in the knowledge of Truth and the love of Christ Jesus.  We thanked Our Father for the great gift of you, and returned you back into His care.

This morning, we listened with pride and great joy as you reaffirmed the promises we had made.  You stood so straight and tall as you made your Profession of Faith in response to the bishop’s queries.  You didn’t hesitate for even a moment, fully embracing all that it means to be a Catholic and a follower of Christ in this world.

You chose for your sponsor a young woman of great faith and quiet strength.  You showed great wisdom when you selected her.  She will be for you a friend, a prayerful supporter, and a source of wisdom should you ever need to call on her.

Just as at your Baptism, you took on a new name this morning, but this one you selected for yourself.  Unlike the gentle name your father and I picked for you, you took on the name of a warrior for the Faith.  Your new name carries with it the history of a woman who was on fire with love for God, a woman filled with religious zeal and fearless devotion.  Your saint was a woman of boldness, determination, and a woman not afraid of causing a little ruckus when she was in the right.  A woman a lot like the woman I see in you.

It is beautiful to see the way you have taken our ancient and beautiful religion into your heart and embraced it until is has become a part of who you are.   As you continue to grow and learn, please remember that although your faith is now your own, your father and I are still here beside you through it all.  We are so incredibly proud of the person you are and of the woman you are becoming.  We wait with great excitement and anticipation to see what plans God has for you, my beautiful girl.

God bless you, #1.  St Marciana of Mauretania, pray for us.

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