Cautious Optimism

Cautious Optimism February 12, 2013

#4 had her quarterly appointment with the rheumatologist this morning.  As I watched my daughter hopping around the exam room, I kept thinking back to last year when she couldn’t hop at all. This year, we are creeping ever closer to the magic word — REMISSION. This morning, the doctor cut out one of her drugs and lowered the dosage of another. She still gets two shots a week, but the amount of the one that burns is less.

I am trying to guard my heart and not hope too much. There is the very real possibility that a lower dose could bring the arthritis back in aggressive angry flares. There is also the very real possibility that it will be the first step down and away from all of this nightmare. We could be walking away from it…please…please let us be walking away.

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