The BEST Christmas Gift: Marvel Unlimited

The BEST Christmas Gift: Marvel Unlimited December 25, 2013

To me, a perfect Christmas gift makes you feel like a kid all over again. Sometimes, it’s something you’d never think to spend money on for yourself. So when someone else gives it to you, you’re simultaneously overjoyed and relieved of any potential guilt for spending so selfishly. So was the case with my favorite Christmas gift that I received this year (or maybe ever) – Marvel Unlimited.

I’d heard of this subscription-based comic book reading service (think Netflix for comics) a few months ago and was instantly curious. On Cyber Monday, Marvel ran a discounted promotion and I mentioned it to my lovely wife, LeAnn. A love affair soon blossomed (that is, of course, in addition to the one I began with LeAnn years ago).

I was the kind of boy that you’d find in a grocery or drug store standing at the comics rack while my mother shopped. As she browsed the bread aisle, I visited Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, the Daily Bugle, Metropolis, Avengers mansion and Gotham City. I loved reading comics. At some point, I was encouraged to buy them – probably by irritated store owners – bag them and become a collector. My first love, however, was reading. That’s probably why many of the thousands I currently own aren’t in pristine edition.

Marvel Unlimited is the best thing I’ve ever come across in my love of comics. It has virtually installed the comics rack in my house, giving me access to more than 13,000 books, including classic titles from the Golden Age up to comics being released currently. Honestly, I was afraid it was going to be limited to collections of Dazzler, Micronauts and Power Pack. After catching up on several recent series, including Ultimate Hulk Vs. Wolverine and Avengers Vs. X-Men, I was just blown away by its selection, convenience and easy interface. Using the app on my iPad or iPhone, I can run a library of titles I want to read, download up to twelve for offline reading and view by pages or panels. All of the comics are also presented free of advertisements.

With 13,000 issues waiting, I’m not counting down to the new releases on Tuesday, even though Marvel does update the selection. Who knows? This year I may equal or surpass the reading of my printed collection for a fraction of the cost. It’s really quite revolutionary and I hope it catches on with other companies (hint hint, DC). If you need to speak with me before next December (a game of Marvel trivia, anyone?), just pray that my iPad battery dies.

***The preceding gushing fanboy commercial was not paid for by Marvel. It is my tribute to a wonderful wife’s thoughtfulness and appreciation for bringing back the kid in me. I also know of many fellow collectors and readers who miss the days of newsstand reading. I would definitely encourage you to check it out. *****

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