Herman Cain: ‘Faith has been a big part of my life’

Herman Cain: ‘Faith has been a big part of my life’ October 21, 2011

Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain acknowledges that he doesn’t know a lot about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but he says he does know that the U.S. Constitution says there shall be no religious test to run for president.
In a one-on-one interview Tuesday night after the GOP presidential debate in Las Vegas, Cain said he doesn’t think specific beliefs of members of the LDS faith is an issue that the Republican presidential candidates need to discuss.

He said the matter came up during the Tuesday night debate because Rick Perry’s pastor made some unflattering remarks about members of the LDS Church. When CNN moderator Anderson Cooper broached the topic Tuesday, Perry said he does not agree with his pastor’s perspective that Mormonism is a cult and that members of the LDS Church are not Christian.
In confessing a lack of specific knowledge about the Mormon faith, Cain said he respects it and he respects the beliefs of LDS Church members.
“It’s all about what are your values,” Cain said. “And I think that is what is important, not necessarily your specific religious set of beliefs.”

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