Is Herman Cain Pro-Choice?

Is Herman Cain Pro-Choice? October 21, 2011

There’s no doubt that Herman Cain is a fiscal conservative. He never misses a chance to promote his 999 plan or outline his vision for economic growth and recovery. Most of his stump speeches focus on the economy, foreign policy, immigration, even energy independence.
Rarely do social issues come up, specifically the conservative hot topic of abortion. When Cain has addressed the issue, he says he believes that life begins with conception. And he doesn’t believe that abortion should be allowed – ever – even in cases of rape or incest. His seemingly pro-life stance usually garners some applause from his audience.
Cain reiterated his pro-life stance during his interview with Piers Morgan on CNN Wednesday night; but the takeaway was surprisingly revealing in that the one-time associate Baptist minister stated that it was the right of the individual to make personal decisions.
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