The Spirit of the Occupy Movement

The Spirit of the Occupy Movement October 27, 2011

In one of my recent hip-hop theology class sessions we held a passionate and engaging discussion on Black Liberation Theology and the construction of God, Power, Sacrifice, Revolution and misrepresentation. I appreciated the involvement and engagement with such sensitive matters. We began the work of deconstructing how God gets appropriated with a particular group within a societal hierarchy and thereby render those on the underside helpless and hopeless. I realized that so many people are conditioned by oppressive infrastructures that exist that we have come to fear alternative realities – even if the current reality is counterproductive.
Clearly our country’s unbridled capitalism has come to benefit a small percentage of all people while subjugating the masses to poverty, inadequate education, paralyzing health conditions and other social calamities. The rising tide of 1% does not float the boats of the other 99%. Our current economic structure has not trickled down to benefit the least of these, rather, it has taken more from the least and given more to the powerful and privileged.
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