Rich Church, Poor Community: Are Churches Failing the People it Claims to Serve?

Rich Church, Poor Community: Are Churches Failing the People it Claims to Serve? November 9, 2011

It’s no secret that black churches collectively generate over $56B per year. With this infusion of cash into an institution that vows to lift the mental acuity and spiritual zeal of black people, why are so many of the black congregants continuing to find themselves struggling? Why do the occupants of the immediate area around many of our black churches struggling? I was in a conversation the other day with a lady who grows her own fruits and vegetables. She not only grows them, this is how she earns her living. However, as of late, she’s been feeling discouraged.
She went on to explain to me that every time there is a church function, she eagerly brings her goods to the church as donations for those in attendance, yet a very small percentage of the members of the church are patrons of her business. There can be multiple reasons for this but it doesn’t excuse the underlying problem that, unfortunately, many of our organizations (and social network) rarely act in a reciprocal manner, especially if you are not a “connected” member.

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