How We All Pay For the Huge Tax Privileges Granted to Religion — It’s Time to Tax the Church

How We All Pay For the Huge Tax Privileges Granted to Religion — It’s Time to Tax the Church December 17, 2011

by Adam Lee

Would the world be better off without religion? That was the topic of a recent debate in the NYU Intelligence Squared series. One of the audience questions concerned the enormous wealth hoarded by churches, which Christian apologist Dinesh D’Souza defended as follows:
I think in the case of the Vatican, the wealth of the Vatican is in priceless treasures, tapestries, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, art. Now, let’s remember… it was popes, the Medici popes and so on, who commissioned those paintings. If it wasn’t for Catholicism, we wouldn’t have the Sistine Chapel.

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