“Christophobia” Rhetoric: Politics as a Religion

“Christophobia” Rhetoric: Politics as a Religion January 31, 2012

Suzanne Fields writes in Turning Swords in Bombs, Christians who sought domination, on the other hand, never invoked the teachings of Christ to justify violence,” is misleading, and not entirely correct. Examples would be the series of Crusade expeditions, other than the first one. Violence was seen in the New World, in the name of the Church by Conquistadors and Jesuit monks and priests. Christians in the medieval period burned books — and people. The Inquisition tortured confessions from people, and if that was not enough, they either hanged them or burned at the stake. Of course, like violence begets violence, there is no justification for what atrocities are committed in the name of religion and war being declared against any nation, entity, or individual that criticizes or does not support Islamic ideology. 
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