Why Romney’s Religion Matters Politically

Why Romney’s Religion Matters Politically January 19, 2012

Protestants move freely from one denomination to another depending on the preacher, the programs of the congregation, and the politics of the group. Religious doctrine seems not to matter. We no longer live in the seventeenth century.

But religious doctrine matters in the Republican primaries. Many Republicans believe that Mitt Romney is not a real Christian and prefer other candidates for those reasons. Thus evangelicals met in Texas to rally around a single candidate to stop Romney. To be sure, those evangelicals doubt Romney’s dedication to conservative principles as well, but the religion of the candidate was explicitly an issue for the evangelicals.

Why? As I understand it contemporary Mormons accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and they believe that Jesus is God, but they do not believe that Jesus is co-equal with the Father. For them, the traditional conception of the Trinity is a fourth century invention.
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