Thank You, Mr. Driscoll

Thank You, Mr. Driscoll June 6, 2012

Dear Mr. Driscoll,

I know you are not expecting this, but I wanted to thank you. Yes, seriously.

I had no idea that my experience at Mars Hill would serve as the catalyst to unraveling the bondage of legalism and exposing the patriarchal teachings that have held me captive for most of my life.

When I first arrived at the Mars Hill church plant, I was excited! You have built quite an empire with impressive media and great marketing. Mars Hill has the resources to help a massive number of people not only find Jesus but change their lives. I anticipated God using me in great ways through your ministry. When we moved, I hoped to see women break free of bondage and walk in freedom.

At one of the first gatherings, the pastor presented us with the four distinctives of Mars Hill: Reformed theology, complementarian relationships, Spirit-filled lives, and missional churches. On the surface, this seemed great! A church that knows where it is going and what it stands for. I was new to reformed theology, but open to learn. Spirit-filled lives? Sign me up! Missional churches that are purposeful about the gospel? Amen.
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