Unrepresentative: How the NRA and Planned Parenthood Failed Recent Tests

Unrepresentative: How the NRA and Planned Parenthood Failed Recent Tests May 29, 2013
The donor rolls of the National Rifle Association and Planned Parenthood do not share many of the same names. But these organizations’ responses to the events of recent months—especially the Sandy Hook shooting and the trial of Kermit Gosnell—have demonstrated that they do share a troubling characteristic. Both reject reasonable limitations on the particular liberty for which they advocate. In so doing, they disregard the well-regulated liberties that vast majorities of our country desire.
Polling statistics show that American citizens overwhelmingly support modest limitations on the rights to gun ownership and abortion. These lobbies thus distort our civic discourse about fundamental rights and responsibilities. They draw inaccurate caricatures of what is, in fact, an informed and reasonable body politic.
Gun rights and abortion rights have both been recently brought to public attention by tragedy. In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting, coverage shows that most citizens support some form of legislation to regulate gun safety. Polls showed a response rate of up to 90 percent in favor of new regulations. But even with 55 senators in support, the “gun bill” did not pass. And the NRA’s main response was to offer to spearhead gun safety education across the country. Meanwhile, activists have used undercover videosto show how easy it is to exploit loopholes in existing laws. “You’re not a felon this week. Next week…,” says one gun show dealer, with a laugh.
Reaction to the trial of Kermit Gosnell has followed a similar pattern. Citizens are horrified by the report of the grand jury, and polls consistently show low support for the right to abortion in the second (approx. 27 percent) and third (approx. 14 percent) trimesters. On the question of illegally killing infants born alive, pollsters don’t even bother to ask.
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