Do Christians, Muslims and Jews Worship the Same God?

Do Christians, Muslims and Jews Worship the Same God? September 1, 2013
Sunni and Shia Muslims are killing each other in several nations, most notably in Syria’s escalating civil war. Coptic Christians churches are being torched in EgyptIn Israel, what passes for peace talks has restarted after years of murder and brutality. Religion is a common thread in each conflict. But why? Don’t these folks worship the same deity?After all, Jews, Christians and Muslims all trace their faiths back to a fellow named Abraham, whom they all claim was chosen for special treatment by the Almighty. Why can’t they all get along?
Not academic
The “same God” question is one theologians have hammered at for as long as there have been enough religions for the query to make sense. The question is hardly academic, though. In fact, a number of politicians, religious leaders and scholars have expressed hope in recent years that a convincing answer on the God question might dampen the violence committed in His name.
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