Top Seven Things People Think Are In the Bible (That Totally Aren’t)

Top Seven Things People Think Are In the Bible (That Totally Aren’t) November 24, 2013

If I had to choose one phrase to sum up my deep connection to the Jesus movement, it would probably be the ancient Christian proclamation, Jesus is Lord.  (These three words are way more substantial and traditional than the current phrases Christians often point to: God bless America; One nation under God; etc…)

Jesus is Lord, for me, means that there are many things that are not – money, nations, football…and, yes, the Bible.  I don’t worship the Bible.  It’s the word of God, but it’s not the only thing God ever said (in the words of my fantastic mentor and godmother, Lori). 

Okay, on to the list!

#7 – The so-called “Rapture.”  

The Left-Behind series is a fictional tale (an overwhelmingly best-selling fictional tale, but complete fiction nonetheless).  It comes from a particular theology that was created around 100 years ago – an admittedly interesting concoction, composed of random pieces from Daniel, Revelation, and Paul’s letter to the Christian community in Thessalonica – and has been snatched up by plenty of theologians who act as though this was handed down by God before the creation itself.

A brilliant assessment of this harmful, dangerous, and totally non-biblical theology can be found in Barbara Rossing’s The Rapture Exposed.  Check it. 

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