God Can Go To Hell

God Can Go To Hell January 22, 2015

I have been attempting to do theology in the public domain, on my Facebook page for two years, and now here for five months. After all that is what being a public theologian is about (and you can now earn advanced degrees in ‘public theology’). From time to time someone comes on and says that we, who proclaim a Loving God, are going to bear the unforgivable burden of knowing that people went to hell because they listened to the message that God is love. Sometimes they say that I too will burn in hell for not speaking the truth: namely, that Hell exists, that God will fry people forever and that this is justice, righteousness and holiness.

Let’s say that is all true. Let’s pretend that this Janus-faced, psychologically challenged, socially inept and elitist divinity exists. So I say to those who hold to this rather strange ‘good news’ (and what is really good about it?), if I die and it is your God that exists I am going to say,

“Excuse me Lord. Permission to speak freely Sir?”

“Thank you.”

“I am sure that you are about to execute a horrible sentence on me. Before you do I would like Your Honor to understand my perspective on this.

First, O Righteous God, whose righteousness is pure, impartial and always fair, if you were trying to look like Jesus you failed miserably. His life and values were so different from yours; it is hard to even fathom how you would deny those who embraced Him. If you were trying to ‘incarnate’ yourself, you failed , really, because you didn’t want to get your pretty hair dirty. You just couldn’t go all the way into the muck and slime of that which you created.

I never figured you for a Gnostic. But there you have it, I was wrong.

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