February 25, 2017

What is the defining characteristic that unites all Pagans, Occultists, Witches, and Other? The “big tent” of Paganism includes such diversity that it is hard to quantify a cohesive movement.  Clearly it is not our politics, as there are liberal, conservatives, and moderates mixed together.  It is not our spiritual or religious affiliation (or non-affiliation). While some magical approaches and techniques overlap, there are also many areas that remain private.  So what is the thing that brings us together? There... Read more

February 14, 2017

Yesterday I had dental work. I also had a sinus infection. I was excused from returning to my office.   This freed me up to take a trip downtown to file my modified paperwork from last week’s adventures.  It’s an odd moment to realize that one is excited to be sick enough to go to court.  I was so ill that I actually forgot where the courthouse was, and wandered around until I got my bearings. In front of the... Read more

February 13, 2017

  It’s been a long week.  Tough negotiations all around, but several things are settled.  Survived the final mediation with the ex on Thursday.  He is on to new adventures in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina.  I refinanced my house on Friday.  Have been rehabbing my pop up camper over the weekend.  Had some time to reflect on the state of my world. Imbolc is upon us, the season of new beginnings.  The first stirrings of spring.  The... Read more

February 4, 2017

  My take on #Pexit, and related concerns.  In honor of my new agreement with the hosts of the site, all boring words have been replaced with alternate-profanity. The Background First, my credentials, for what it is worth.  I am a High Priestess in British Traditional Wicca, with some Ceremonial Magic for added flavor. I have led covens for about decade now. I published a book in 2014 called The Priestess and the Pen. I have two children and am... Read more

December 21, 2016

The wheel turns, and the longest night of the year begins. 2016 has been a challenge on many levels, but the warmth of family and friends is a balm to the troubled spirit. Read more

December 10, 2016

Elementary School Have I slipped into a parallel dimension, or is this the real world?  A religious fanatic decides to target several schools in my neighborhood, including the one my kids attend, and therefore pickets the car line where people receive and drop off students, before and after school.  She shows up with a four foot sign of an aborted fetus and the phrase “This is not healthcare” in large white letters.  She flashes her sign and speaks into a... Read more

November 10, 2016

Wednesday was a tough day.  I watched many of my friends and loved ones collectively melt down after the election results, still others were applauding and optimistic.  I am a registered Independent, so have friends on both sides of the aisle.  I live in Florida, where the red northern half of the state meets the blue southern part of the state at the dividing line of I-4.  My city is decidedly purple, and driving through town my neighbors display their... Read more

November 1, 2016

Our gathering this year was an informal affair.  The goal was to invite friends and family to come together to celebrate, honor, and recognize those who have passed beyond the veil.   We chose to invite them our feast and fire, to enjoy companionship and tell stories of their misadventures.  Several faiths were represented, Witches, Pagans, Jews, and Non-Denominational.  Various sexual orientations, child-free and family minded folks were represented.  We all brought something to set on the altar and a... Read more

October 13, 2016

  It came upon me suddenly, without warning.  Lost in thought, alone in my room brooding over the Internet, I contemplated all of the words and actions that had led me to this moment.  I meandered through many memes, tasting the passionate rhetoric that defended or condemned one man’s words that echoed across the world.  His tone was easy and assured, and described invasive physical touch with the casual confidence of one who knows their actions will have no consequences. ... Read more

June 23, 2016

So we decided to do something different for Summer Solstice this year.  Given the recent violence in Florida, Serpent’s Song decided to meet on Midsummer’s Eve to commemorate and send healing to the dislocated spirits of the people that died in the Pulse massacre.  Violent, abrupt death can cause the recently deceased to wander.  The shock of being killed and the intense grief of loved ones can overwhelm a restless spirit, and it feels like the entire state has been... Read more

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