Positively the Most Epic Catholic Kitsch Ever…

Positively the Most Epic Catholic Kitsch Ever… August 31, 2014

…Behold, Glow Jesus, in it’s all splendor.


Photo credit, Liesa G. H/T Scott B.

It brings a tear to the eye.


It’s positively perfect in every way, aesthetically (as kitsch goes) and theologically with it’s rich use of symbolism.

The the sea shell, especially the scallop shell, is the symbol of Baptism, and is found frequently on Baptismal fonts. Here, the shell at the bottom can be used as a holy water font.

And those five silk roses. Betcha didn’t know when five roses are grouped together they symbolize the five wounds of Christ?

Jesus glows in the dark because He’s a light in the darkness, naturally.

Even the use of “Florida” contains deeper hidden meaning. Florida is the 27th state. What does the number 27 represent? Why only the Holy Spirit! Also, a reader noted that the state’s name itself comes from the phrase “Pascua Florida“, a festival associated with the Easter season and the Passion of Christ.


See… the most epic kitsch ever. Far more glorious and profound than at first glance.

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