Inner Mystery Ritual of the Witch’s Simple Feast

Inner Mystery Ritual of the Witch’s Simple Feast May 5, 2017

The Sabbat of High Spring approaches, and I thought I’d share a favorite part of our Beltane ritual with you. We call this the “Inner Mystery” blessing of the simple feast. It’s a far more detailed and involved rite that we bring out on the high ceremonial occasions like Grand Sabbats and initiations, that speak specifically to the sacred marriage of anima and animus within each of us.

Beltane Wreath with the Sword and Chalice - Photo by Heron Michelle
Beltane Wreath with the Sword and Chalice – Photo by Heron Michelle

Usually, the high priest and priestess will bless the cup simply, then we’ll just pass the cup and plate around, as the last sharing and grounding, just before we deconstruct our temple. But at Beltane we have crowned representatives of our Goddess and God, who have invoked their powers, and embody Them for the day. So, on this occasion, we use this specialized version, and then THEY walk around and offer Their feast and blessings of abundance to each celebrant directly. I really like this part of the ritual, and so I offer it to you today.

For more information about the inner mysteries of this ritual, and the mythological and psychological underpinnings, I recommend reading Vivianne Crowley’s book, Wicca: The Old Religion for the New Millennium.

The Inspiration Text for this Ritual - Photo by Heron Michelle
The Inspiration Text for this Ritual – Photo by Heron Michelle

Beltane Simple Feast Ritual by MayKing and Queen:

MayQueen: Our Beltane Rite is the consummation of the sacred union of the Lady and the Lord, the Land to her People, the anima and animus within, above and below; within and without.

MayKing: (Taking up the Athame and presenting it to the celebrants) On the outer planes, the outward flowing energy of man impregnates the woman who receives him.

MayQueen: (Taking up the Chalice and presenting it to the celebrants) But here on the Inner Planes, it is the Goddess who is complete within herself; both impregnating and energizing. Yet, both polarities are held in perfect balance within each of us as the Two Who Move As One.

(The King and Queen trade athame and cup. The king kneels before her.)

(Men all kneel, Women all raise a hand in salute)

Mayqueen: (Slowly lowers the athame into the cup, drawing the pentacle in the wine, circling thrice.) As the athame is to the God…

Mayking: (Raising the cup to receive the athame) …So the chalice is to the Goddess…

Together: …and when conjoined they bring forth blessedness. Blessed Be.

All: Blessed Be.

(Mayqueen pours out a libation to the Gods and Ancestors of Land, Blood and Spirit.)

She presents the chalice to the King: You are a God, May you never thirst. (He takes the cup and sips.)

He present the chalice to the Queen: You are a Goddess, May you never thirst. (She takes the cup and sips)

The King then picks up the plate of cakes, takes the athame, dipping into the cup to touch drops of blessed wine to the cakes:

MayQueen: We bless these cakes unto our bodies, bestowing health, wealth, strength, joy and peace, and that fulfillment of love that is perpetual happiness.

(Libation cake is given to the Gods and Ancestors of Land, Blood and Spirit.)

He present the cakes to the Queen: You are a Goddess, may you never hunger. (She takes a bite of cake.)

She presents the cakes to the King: You are a God, may you never hunger. (He takes a bite of cake.)

Both: Blessed be!

All: Blessed Be the King and Queen of the May!

The Queen with her Chalice, and the King with his cakes, then go around the circle offering their feast to all their people, bestowing the same blessings of “You are a God/dess, may you never thirst/hunger.” In lieu of the Chalice, any children are touched on the crown, saying “May you be blessed in all worlds,” Until all have shared in Their offering of abundance and nurturance.

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